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found with help of bbe devices – You can find the original article in German here!   In the inlet from the Weichselbrunner pond into the Bodenwöhrer Hammersee there were found striking readings of...

Redesigned and more inside – Redesigned: the ToxProtect64 II comes along with a new outfit and replaces the proven ToxProtect64.
For the wellness of the fish the recommended aquarium aeration and the 500W...

Christian Moldaenke is doing tests with new bbe devices at the University of Toledo – Christian Moldaenke currently works at the University of Toledo, Ohio and models water treatment processes for improved removal of cyanobacteria and their toxins. The newly...

Exceptional Growth of Microalgae in Kiel inland lake – March 2017 - Last weekend brought pleasant weather with bright sunshine. Winter almost vanished allowing new algae to grow again. The water in Kiel inland lake appeared...

A potentially deadly algae has been found in Hemlington Lake. – The warm water temperatures and stable sunny conditions favoured the growth of blue-green algae in Hemlington Lake, Middlesbrough, in North Yorkshire, England. - These toxins...

Toxic algae bloom swarms Utah Lake – Blue-green algae swarms Utah Lake, west of the Mississippi River, USA - over 130 people have reported vomiting, diarrhea, headache and rashes. read more and more.

New application for DTox in waste water treatment plants – bbe Toximeters for Water Pollution Control at Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP)

bbe DaphniaToximeter is established in ecosystem monitoring, water works and food industry. The...

What’s being done to assess blue-green algae’s risk to humans? – Blue-green algae in California’s lakes. A dog dies after being exposed to toxic blue-green algae at Lake Chabot in the Bay Area in California, US. This sparks a new...

A couple of months ago bbe Moldaenke GmbH set up a quality management system according to the ISO9001:2008 standard. Processes were analysed, structured, documented and...

Even though our customers are certain of the high quality measurements with our BenthoTorch, we have something more in mind. bbe is about to revise the BenthoTorch design ...