We invite you to take part in the HABs Collaboratory Technology Webinar on 14th of November 2017 at 11 a.m. (eastern). The topic will be technology that is currently being used and/or developed to measure water quality and harmful algal blooms in the Great Lakes.
Presenters for this webinar include:
• Tom Johengen, NOAA-GLERL: New Technologies to Enhance GLERL-CIGLR HABs Monitoring
• Ed Verhamme, LimnoTech
• Christian Moldaenke, bbe Moldaenke: New Fluorometer Uses the Parameter ‘Unbound Phycocyanin‘ as an Early Warning System for Cyanobacterial T&O Compounds and Cyanotoxins
• Adam Schroeder, University of Toledo: Robot Swarms, Filter-feeding Fish, and Tethered Balloons
• Jason Deglint, University of Waterloo: SIM LABS
We are looking forward to meeting a lot of you!
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