Topics of the event included:
- Daphnia Toximeter sensititivity quantification by EDF, France
- Automated water quality monitoring
- Quantification of microphytobenthos
- Implementation of optical sensors for water monitoring
- Algal blooms in the waters of South Africa
- ANaLYT ansd STATUS project reports
- FerryBox and a New Sensor for Phytoplankton Detection
- Characterising Phytoplankton Communities in the English Channel and the North Sea.
- Algae Survey in Romania
- Enclosure Experiments in Lake Stechlin, Berlin
Guest came from France, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, South Africa, Romania and of course all over Germany.
Please feel free to download a presentation from the list below or contact us for a CD (including photos).
Biomonitoring Workshop Monday 4th June at bbe
- Carsten Lüring (bbe Moldaenke GmbH). DaphTox II – Concepts and Enhancements compared to DaphTox I.
- Dr Jens Liley (Liley Software Consulting, Germany). Threshold and SpeedSizeClasses.
- Julie Chevalier et al. (EDF, France). How to Quantify the Sensitivity of the Daphnia Toximeter? Behavioural analysis on Daphnia Magna exposed to different substances.
- Matthais Grote et al. (EDF, France). Modes of Action in Ecotoxicology. What can we learn for toxicant detection?
- Dr Florian Schulz (bbe Moldaenke GmbH). Turbidity as a Factor for the Operation of the Daphnia Toximeter.
AquaLife Seminar - Tuesday 5th June
- Prof. Dr. P-D Hansen (TU Berlin - Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany). The Young Cities Project – Evaluation, Monitoring and Ecotoxicology.
- Corinne Studer (freelance artist, Vienna). "fishbag" artistic visualisation.
- Kristin Schumann (ajBlomesystem) + Werner Blohm (Hamburg Institut für Hygiene und Umwelt). ENMO hydro – developments in dynamic, continuous and automated water quality monitoring.
- Corina Carpentier (Benten Water Solutions BV, Netherlands). In situ Biomass Quantification of Microphytobenthos: a First Step Towrds an ALternative Method for Assessing Stream Eutrophication under the WFD.
- Anna Dahlhaus (bbe Moldaenke GmbH). The bbe BenthoTorch – Quick and easy phytobenthos measurement.
- Wido Schmidt (Technologiezentrum Wasser, Dresden, Germany). Optical Spectroscopy – Analysis of Complex Mixtures in Aquatic Milieu.
- Daniel Baganz and Georg Staaks (Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Germany). Monitoring of Fish Physiology and Fish Behaviour.
- Liva Saleh (University of Kiel) and Hanno Dahlhaus (bbe Moldaenke GmbH). AnALyT: Drinking Water – Analysis of Bacterial Contamination.
- Sanet Janse Van Vuuren (North-West University, South Africa). The Impact of Algae and Cyanobacterial Blooms on South African Freshwaters.
- Anna Dahlhaus (bbe Moldaenke GmbH). STATuS – sensor for humic substance and protein detection in drinking water.
AquaLife Seminar - Wednesday 6th June
- Dr Hazem Kalaji (Department of Plant Physiology, Warsaw University, Poland). Chlorophyll-a Fluorescence – What can we learn?
- Stephan Plath (4H Jane, Germany). A Short Overview of 4H Jena Products.
- Jochen Wollschläger et al. (COSYNA, Helmholtz-Zentrum, Geesthacht, Germany). FerryBox and a New Sensor for Phytoplankton Detection.
- Villu Kikas (Marine Systems Institute at TUT, Estonia). Upwelling Events in the Gulf of Finland 2007-2001 on the Basis of FerryBox Observations from Talinn to Helsinki.
- Alain Lefebvre et al. (Ifremer, France). Implemenation of High-Frequency Approaches to Characterize the Phytoplankton Community and the Physico-Chemical Supporting Parameters in the Eatern English Channel and the North Sea.
- Peer Fietzek (CONTROS Systems & Solutions GmbH, Germany). Carbon Dioxide Measurements in Flow-Through Applications – Experinces with the HydroCTM-CO2-FT.
- Vlad Amariucai et al. (Romanian Waters, Siret Directorate, Romania). Algae Survey by Multispectral Fluorescence Technique in Romanian Waters.
- Hanno Dahlhaus (bbe Moldaenke GmbH). Why Do We Need Turbidity Correction in Algae Class Determination?
- Marén Lentz and Marieke Soeter (Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Germany). Enclosure Experiments in Lake Stechlin.
- Christian Moldaenke (bbe Moldaenke GmbH)and Marén Lentz (IGB). 28 FluoroProbes Measuring in Parallel - To what extent can we expect the same results with each probe?